FAST CO: Papercraft Guillotine Records Its Victims' Last Moments

Originally designed by Dr. Antoine Louis back in the late 18th century, the guillotine is one of the few design classics you don't really want to have first-hand insight into. As part of a new multimedia installation, though, you can now have an authentic guillotining experience for yourself—and walk away with nothing worse than a paper cut on the back of your neck.

Created by paper artist Mandy Smith and interactive artist Hal KirklandPaper Cuts gives participants a chance to experience the snicker-snack of the French Revolution's famous instrument of death. And here's the gimmick: The guillotine is made entirely out of paper, right down to the blade.

Hal Kirkland

Hal Kirkland is an internationally awarded Writer and Director who searches for meaningful human stories amidst mind-bending technological feats. As a Director and Creative Director he’s worked with the world’s leading brands (Coca-Cola, Vice, Google, MTV), agencies (R/GA, W+K, BBH, 180), bands (OneRepublic, Led Zeppelin, Snoop Dogg), production companies (Here Be Dragons, Within, Prettybird) and cultural institutions (Guggenheim NY, MoMA NY).


His work has attracted over 60 international awards including: UK Music Video Awards, 25 Best Music Video Awards, D&AD Pencils, Gold Clios, Cannes Gold lions, Gold One Show Pencils, Grand Prix in 10 festivals, to name a few. His work has been showcased on CNN, CBS, Rollingstone, New York Times, TechCrunch, Contagious, Creativity, PSFK and more. He’s shared his tales at such festivals as SXSW, Tribeca Film, Museum Next and Creative Week NYC,